Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Not sure.

I'm not too sure if this is going to work, but thought I would give it a try. My cousin told me this wasn't hard.....so here I am. I've been wanting to do a blog of my own for the longest time. I'm sure the more I do it the better and more comfortable I'll get.

Today I had another appointment and it actually was quicker than I thought it would be! Got weighed, checked temp and blood pressure, peed in the cup, waited in the Dr's office, she came in asked if I had any questions or problems, said "no", then she said "I'll see you in four weeks." That was it? I had thought she was going to try listening to the baby's heartbeat. I'm 10 weeks and with all my previous pregnancies the heartbeat could be heard. Maybe next time!!

Oh while I was there I did ask one of the ladies if they had that magazine As Your Baby Grows in a bag of some sort. I know they give that mag out and last time I asked and they gave me a little diaperbag that was supposed to have that magazine in there and didn't. It really didn't have anything. So, she looked and found the same bag they gave me this last time. This time though, it was the zipper had a plastic thing on it so it won't open until you cut it. This one had the magazine! I know I might sound crazy going to so much trouble just for that magazine but it is worth it. Also something that I found funny is that the bag they gave me said it was a "Breastfeeding Bag" it had a book on breastfeeding, nursing pads, 2 containers to store breastmilk, 2 ice packs to keep breastmilk cold, a diaper, a rebate coupon for a breast pump and ............. 4 things of formula. Maybe its just me but if they are trying to get mother's to breastfeed and are supporting it why the formula. Giving a baby formula can possibly hinder the production of the mother's milk. It even says that in the book that was in the bag!!!! My personal opinion is I think that's just silly!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! It can be addicting, but it's lots of fun. :)

    Thanks for the comments, by the way.
